Monday, April 11, 2011

Top Ten Reasons to Shop Online

A couple of things I heard recently on the National News got me to thinking about online shopping as opposed to Mall shopping. See if you agree with my

Top Ten Reasons to Shop Online:
  1. Vacancy rates at Malls across the country are on the increase. In fact, a report in "The Consumerist" on April 7, 2011 stated that close to one in ten stores in malls are now vacant. It went on to say that predictions are that online shopping will become so mainstream soon that retailers will begin to question the need for brick 'n mortar stores.

  2. The price of gas is increasing all the time. Why drive all over town wasting not only gas, but your time, when you can do one stop shopping from home? I actually have personal experience with this particular reason. I have a lovely local customer that I would often meet to deliver her orders. Recently she has started paying my $3.00 shipping charge to get it delivered to her door (next day) because it is cheaper than what it would cost in gas to drive and meet each other.

  3. As a seller you can reach a worldwide audience from your own little site. As a buyer you can shop the globe and have the world delivered to your front door.

  4. Forgot your mother-in-law's birthday is tomorrow? You can go online and order something to be overnighted. She will never know.

  5. With online shopping becoming more competitive free shipping, coupons and other deals are readily available.

  6. Inclement weather and dangerous driving conditions are never a concern.

  7. You can multi-task while shopping online ~ feed the baby, do the laundry, make dinner, pretend to be paying attention to a conference call...

  8. Sometimes - not always - but sometimes, things are cheaper online.

  9. Just my opinion, but I think you can find more unusual and unique items online. (Of course Etsy and online venues like that immediately come to mind.)

  10. And last, but certainly not least, you don't have to take a shower, style your hair, put on make-up or even get out of your 'jammies and fuzzy slippers to shop online. Or even operate an online store! :)

  11. Now, all that being said, I hope charming little brick 'n mortars like the gift shops I do business with across the country never disappear. In fact I would love to see more. Every now and then it is a good thing to get off the couch, climb out of your 'jammies and get out there. And to me, nothing is more fun than lunch with my BFF followed by wandering thru unique shops with kitchy one of a kind items.

But the big Malls that all look alike? I don't think I would miss them. What do you think about online shopping vs. Malls?

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